Area of Destiny is found in the intersect of mission, passion and gifts.

  • Mission asks questions such as “what is God doing in the world and what role do I feel called to play in fulfilling His mission?… or… “where am I needed?”

  • Passion begs questions like “what good things do I love to do?”… or… “in what meaningful activities do I feel pleasure?”

  • Gifts should focus us on the talents we’ve been given and the actions we need to take to develop those gifts into the skills that will allow us to make a unique contribution in this world.

Area of Destiny is a life-organizing principle. It defines the boundaries and possibilities of my life. It is my place, the context in which I am to live and love and work and play. When we know what our life is supposed to be about then we can organize everything else around it, so everything becomes about the same thing–relationships, vocation, avocations, assignments and usually a specific geography.

The Area of Destiny Experience is coming soon.