Terry A. Smith

 Host and speakers

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Learn to create environments – like Jesus did – where people’s hearts are warm and more open to being influenced to true, good, and beautiful things.


Model being hospitable to the dreams of those you lead while also inviting them to engage in the mission of the Church and to help actualize God’s dreams for the world.


Explore the need, and exponential power, of welcoming strangers. These are people who are strange to you in some way, and to whom you seem strange. When we welcome strangers, we can multiply our influence through an ever-expanding diversity of people.


Hospitable leaders are hospitable communicators. Like Jesus, our words are full of grace and truth and ultimately bring transformative results.


Jesus came to fulfill the most important mission in the history of the world, yet He said that He came “enjoying life.” Discover how leaders must learn to feast in the context of a life of purpose and how their leadership effort can feel like a feast to their followers.

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Pastor Terry

Pastor Terry

Bishop Ron Bailey

Bishop Ron Bailey

Christian Smith

Christian Smith

Michael & Chris Durso

Michael & Chris Durso

Dan & Dusty Dean

Dan & Dusty Dean




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