The Hospitable Leader Experience
Curated. Collaborative. Immersive.
Thursday – Friday, July 18 - 19
The Life Christian Church
West Orange, NJ
How do you influence an ever-expanding diversity of people, engage high-capacity leaders, and unleash your church or organization’s full potential?
It’s the question every great leader asks himself or herself. Building a hospitable culture can make or break an organization, and it doesn’t happen on accident. It takes a plan, hard work, and we would suggest, an invitation. We call this comprehensive approach hospitable leadership, and it’s proven to be transformational, relational, and results-oriented.
For the last 27 years, The Life Christian Church (a growing & diverse church in the NYC metropolitan area) has been on a journey to create environments of welcome. We’ve seen revolutionary results, and we can help you learn how to do this, too.
Once you learn to practice hospitable leadership, you will see your ability to impact your sphere of influence multiply exponentially. What was true 2,000 years ago is still true today: When people feel genuinely welcome, they will give you the opportunity to lead them.
Using the “5 Welcomes” from Pastor Terry Smith’s book, The Hospitable Leader, as our guide, we will offer you the tools for creating environments where people and dreams flourish.